Our Seminars

Seminar Topics

Seminars designed and presented by Sean McDonald and Your Full Potential, LLC. All rights reserved.

 Seminars can be customized to fit your needs and are available in 2 hour, half-day and whole-day modules.  Each can be presented via webinar or in-person by Sean McDonald.  If you don’t see what you’re looking for on this list, ASK anyway!

NEW!      Creating a True VALUE PROPOSITION: More Than Just Words

 What’s In It For Me?  This is the most important question that organizations must answer.  Consumers don’t want to hear about the standard features of your product.  And they’re tired of everyone saying “we have the best service.”  That’s just not enough anymore.  They want to know how doing business with you will improve their lives.  Simple as that.  An organization’s VALUE PROPOSITION is the answer to that all-important question.  But how do you create an effective Value Proposition?  This workshop will provide attendees with a comprehensive step-by-step process to help craft an outstanding Value Proposition.  These steps include:

– Committing to the company’s organizing values.

– Identifying the organization’s TARGET market.

– Plus a few others – well, we can’t give everything away, right?

 NEW!     Dizzying Data: It’s Not The Future….It’s The NOW!  Stay Relevant, Show Value, SET The Pace

As the marketplace evolves and the consumer’s demands and tastes change, organizations must take the necessary steps to stay relevant in order to stay in business.  That means that new skill sets are needed among the organization’s employees.  One of the most important of these skills is the ability to collect, analyze, and use data.  One does not need to have a degree in statistics to do this but there are a few basics that need to be learned.  This workshop will cover the fundamentals of data analysis.  There is so much information available to help us to better serve the consumer.  All we need is to learn how to find it and put it to use in ways that will benefit the consumer and the organization.  Come and find out how!

NEW!     Keeping You Up At Night: Challenges for Credit Union Executives & Directors

The challenges facing credit unions are real – there should be no doubt about that.  Many of these are the causes of stress and anxiety for the senior executives that run the organizations and for the directors that govern them.

During this interactive and informative workshop, join internationally acclaimed credit union strategist Sean McDonald as he takes participants through some specific and common areas of concern for CEOs and senior executives.  Topics include:

– The increasingly burdensome regulatory environment and how to effectively deal with new rules.

– The challenges associated with membership growth and suggestions pertaining to changing the focus from net-new-members to enhancing relationships with current members.

– The barriers associated with lending and tips on how to increase loans through modifying philosophy and policies to allow for more non-traditional types of credit offerings.

NEW!     Change Management: Go Beyond The WHAT and Communicate The WHY

Managing change is not always easy. Reasons for this are too numerous to count.  One of the most common is that when implementing change, the “powers-that-be” stop at the WHAT and never fully or even adequately explain the WHY.  Here are a few takeaways that attendees can expect from this workshop:

– A more thorough understanding of the reasons for change.

– A guide to help credit unions determine whether or not systemic change is actually necessary.

– A sophisticated 4-step process that should be followed to implement change. Included in this part of the discussion are Best Practice suggestions to manage the changes and associated expectations including employee “buy-in” and effective project management.

– Exercises that will cover the most prevalent and necessary changes to a credit union’s culture, operations, and security to better ensure a viable future.

Additional seminars/workshops/webinar topics:


o   Strategic Planning Considerations: What The Focus Should Be!

o   From Conflict to Collaboration

o   20 Ways To Motivate, Energize, and Inspire Your Teams

o   The Leadership Pyramid

o   Hiring & Retaining TOP Talent



o   Marketing for the 21st Century: EXPLODING Tactics!

o   Social Media Marketing: Beyond the Basics

o    Business Development Basics: The Good & Bad

o   Marketing & Business Development in a Digital World

o    Exemplary Community Development: Navigating Uncharted Waters

o   Advanced Business Development Tactics



o   Build Relationships First: The Sales Will Come

o   Effective Cross-Selling

o   Mobile Matters: Selling In The Digital Age

o   Outstanding Service: It’s Non-Negotiable

Click here to view a video on Member Service

Click here to view a video on Cross-Selling

Click here to view a video on Motivation

1 Response to Our Seminars

  1. Pingback: TRUST (Part 1 of 3: EARNING It) | Your Full Potential

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