7 Things That I am REALLY Getting Tired of Hearing…..

No intro to this post – I’m just going to jump right in….

–      “That won’t resonate with our credit union’s members” – how can you possibly know that without trying it first?  I hear this all the time about social media and mobile solutions.  So what if it won’t be used by your current members?  What about the members you NEED to attract and retain (Gen X, Y, Z, Omega, Bridezilla, etc.?)

·         “It’s tough to get our employees “on board” with new ideas” – If a new initiative is supported from the top, give the unflinching employees a clear choice: get “on board” or get out.

·         “Marketing costs too much” – get over it.  You can’t expect vendors to work for free.   If you want your credit union to grow, you need to market your services.  Look to state leagues, associations, CUSO’s, etc. for cost-effective marketing solutions.  They won’t do it for free either but these services are usually less expensive than working with an agency.

·         “Young people don’t know what credit unions are” – so let’s tell them!  Get their attention – hire a skywriter, do a flash mob, grab a bullhorn, partner with a young spokesperson to share the message, advertise on social media, advertise on a blimp….

·         “We need loans” – so steal them…..or in more politically correct terminology: look for opportunities to refinance loans that members have with other financial institutions.  Cross-sell, uncover opportunities, take risks, start conversations, get out of your comfort zones.  Oh and if a loan is “stolen,” REWARD the employee who made it happen.

·         “Our value proposition is that we provide the best service” – not good enough anymore.  Everyone says it.  Come up with something better or your relevance will be a memory.

·         “Credit unions don’t have to pay their employees as much as banks do.” – YES, I have actually heard that (on multiple occasions.)  If you want top talent, you need to pay for it.  Simple as that.  Credit unions are businesses and need to be run as such.  If you want better, more passionate, more creative employees, you’ll have to ante up.  These people will work for credit unions but only if they can make a living doing so.

About Your Full Potential, LLC

I am the President of Your Full Potential, LLC and the Founder of ABSURD! Leadership. I am a professional speaker and have addressed thousands of people throughout the United States and internationally on the topics of leadership, sales, service, business development, marketing, and strategy.
This entry was posted in Building Relationships, Business Development, Change, Credit Unions, Cross-Selling, Gen X, Gen Y, Global Network, Leadership, Loans, Management, Marketing, Strategic Planning, Training. Bookmark the permalink.

16 Responses to 7 Things That I am REALLY Getting Tired of Hearing…..

  1. Tom ORourke says:

    Right on!



  2. That is the most awesome article I’ve read in months. Love it!


  3. David Swanson says:

    Well said! and about time somebody grew a pair…….


  4. Deb says:

    Excellent blog post Sean. You deliver again.


  5. Mike Bartoo says:

    #3 – “Marketing Costs Too Much” – only if you’re not producing a positive ROI from your marketing efforts. If you’re not producing measurable, incremental revenue from your marketing efforts then it DOES cost too much. If you’re hearing that “marketing costs too much”, you’d better either start proving the net income you’re producing or start polishing up the resume. And if your boss isn’t requiring you to prove it, shame on them.


    • Thanks for your comments, Mike. I do agree that ROI is important when measuring marketing costs. What I was referring to in the blog was the fact that some credit unions will not spend any money at all to create really dynamic campaigns. These are the folks that still rely on flyers taped to walls and windows to get the word out about things. Doing your marketing “in-house” is fine but only if the credit union has the expertise and resources that are necessary to make the marketing captivating and effective.


      • mdbartoo says:

        Sean – I can respect that perspective. Then, rather than it being “Marketing Costs Too Much”, the conversation needs to be turned to “how much more profit can I realize by spending the money for dynamic campaigns?”. The key word in your reply is effective –


      • Absolutely right, Mike! If it’s effective, it adds value. Value can be monetized.


  6. Sean,

    Great post! I’ll add another one: “We can’t afford __________ (you get to fill in the subject matter of your choice: to brand, to redo our website, to conduct a planning session, etc.” The reality is you can afford to do what your priorities really are. If your priorities are to grow, then you will invest in branding. If your priorities are to build a digital channel, then you will invest in updating your website. The reality is there are some things you can’t afford NOT to do.



    • BINGO, Mark!

      If credit unions have their priorities in order, finding the money in the budget to pay for certain services shouldn’t be that difficult. Of course, if spending $10,000 on pens with the credit union logo on it is more important than a strategic planning session or website redesign, I guess the question I would ask is “exactly how much business came in as a result of you giving that pen away?”


  7. Abe Rasheed says:

    I agree with you Sean. All good points.


  8. Helen Ambo says:

    This article is in-your-face, no-gloves! Thank you!

    Helen A.


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